Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 26

Inflatable test article shown during pressure proof testing. The modular straps shown on the right feature high-definition fiber optic sensors (HD-FOS)
integrated during the webbing weaving process. Modular strap locations allowed for testing multiple sensing strap designs or switching out straps after
intentionally damaging a strap experimentally. (Image: Luna Innovations, Inc.)
connected objects; and ultimately the
fuller automation of manufacturing
processes, and the integration of
non-destructive inspection tools.
Manufacturing webbing with
embedded sensors brings two main
challenges. The first is ensuring
the sensor is not damaged during
the weaving process. BRM had
to minimize bending radii of the
sensor to prevent damage.
The second challenge is to ensure
that the weave design is precise
enough to place sensor ingresses and
egresses in the proper locations within
the surface of the weave structure.
The BRM team wove start-up samples
based on a benchtop analysis of
weave design, checked the samples
after weaving, and made adjustments
to ensure accurate compliance with
sensor location specifications.
Luna Innovations tested the
fiber optic sensors woven into
the flexible structural restraint
layer webbings on an inflatable
test article with a diameter of
0.61 m (2 feet) fabricated from
Vectran, a manufactured filament
fiber with a liquid-crystal polymer
chemistry. Experiments successfully
demonstrated creep sensing,
pressure sensing, and detection of
damage location and magnitude.
A one-third scale, 2.74-m diameter
(9 feet) inflatable habitat with
embedded structural health sensors
was used for creep and burst testing
at NASA's Johnson Space Center. A
habitat containing the smart webbing
was inflated and measurements
are being recorded at regular
intervals for a total period of about
two months. Measuring the longterm
creep of the habitat system is
important to the safety and viability
of the inflatable habitat program.
NASA is performing the
testing to validate the bench-top
engineering and design of the
habitat's structural components.
While the goal is to complete
the project by 2023, the need
to orchestrate raw material
supply, component procurement,
manufacturing, assembly, testing,
test-facilities scheduling, and
funding means that timing
predictions are subject to change.
" BRM's work in developing the
Bally Ribbon Mills wove Luna's embedded fiber optic sensors into Vectran webbing and then later
integrated them into an inflatable test article that was tested at NASA Johnson Space Center.
(Image: Luna Innovations, Inc.)
26 JULY 2023
manufacturing processes necessary
to integrate fiber optic strain sensors
into the fabric weave was key to our
success and is helping to move the
technology into the future, " said
Matthew Davis, Luna's R&D Director,
Lightwave Division. " We rely on

Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023

Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - Cov1
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - Cov2
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 1
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 2
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 3
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 4
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 5
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 6
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 7
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 8
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 9
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 10
Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 11
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Space Technology Special Report - Version B. July 2023 - 13
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