Sealed pump systems can dramatically improve the safety and efficiency of chemical transfer. (Credit: GoatThroat Pumps) Understanding Safety for In addition to enhancing safety, a sealed system can prevent loss of expensive chemicals. (Credit: GoatThroat Pumps) n medical device manufacturing, potentially flammable and hazardous chemicals such as acetone and isopropyl alcohol are often stored in 55-gal or larger drums for dispensing into smaller containers or at the point of use. Given that many of these chemicals and branded formulations are flammable, hazardous, or potentially combustible, it is incumbent on the environmental, health, and safety directors to identify the best type of pump for liquids used in manufacturing to ensure that workers can use them safely. The risks could not be higher for medical device manufacturers. Utilization of the wrong type of pump or worse, Specialty Pumps I in Medical Device Manufacturing Medical Design Briefs, February 2021 Cov ToC 7