HCR Versatility Helps Manufacturers Shape Medical Devices F rom tubing and sheeting to valves device manufacturers the versatility they need for and balloons, manufacturers have these demanding applications. long relied on high-purity silicones to Typically used to fabricate various compo- develop medical-grade products for nents, such as tubing, balloons, sheeting, and a range of therapeutic applications. molded parts, HCRs consist of a high molecular High consistency rubbers (HCRs), in particular, weight siloxane polymer combined with silica to have a combination of mechanical properties and produce a silicone that has a claylike consis- highly specific characteristics that give medical tency in its uncured form. HCRs consist of a high molecular weight siloxane polymer combined with silica to produce a silicone that has a claylike consistency in its uncured form. (Credit: NuSil/Avantor) 12 www.medicaldesignbriefs.com Cov ToC Medical Design Briefs, May 2021http://www.medicaldesignbriefs.com