Welcome to your Digital Edition of Tech Briefs and Motion Design Included in This April 2021 Edition: Tech Briefs April 2021 Motion Design Vol. 45 No. 4 www.techbriefs.com April 2021 Get a Handle on Grippers Disrupting the Automobile Design Process Smarter Pneumatic Valves Enhance Automation Systems New Smart Technology Improves Brake Controls Silicones for Space Applications Precision Position Feedback for Smart Manufacturing Inside Cornell Engineering Building Big Data from Little Data Supplement to Tech Briefs Click Here Click Here How to Navigate the Magazines: At the bottom of each page, you will see a navigation bar with the following buttons: Arrows: Click on the right or left facing arrow to turn the page forward or backward. Introduction: Click on this icon to quickly turn to this page. Cover: Click on this icon to quickly turn to the front cover. Table of Contents: Click on this icon to quickly turn to the table of contents. Zoom In: Click on this magnifying glass icon to zoom in on the page. Zoom Out: Click on this magnifying glass icon to zoom out on the page. Find: Click on this icon to search the document. You can also use the standard Acrobat Reader tools to navigate through each magazine. Cov ToChttp://www.abpi.net/ntbpdfclicks/l.php?202104TBNAV