FEATURES 2 Automated X-Ray Inspection 8 Options Abound When Selecting a Sensor for Motor Feedback 13 Linear Bearings: What You Need to Know APPLICATIONS 15 New Hybrid Concept for Actuating Subsea Valves TECH BRIEFS 17 Chemically Driven Wheels " Morph " Into Gears 17 Air-Powered Robot Needs No Electronics 18 Soft Tactile Sensor with Skin-Comparable Characteristics for Robots 19 Nanosized Foldable Robots 20 Swimming Living Robots Can Self-Train 21 3D Motion Tracking System for Autonomous Technology 22 AI and Wearable Cameras Combined in Self-Walking Robotic Exoskeletons DEPARTMENTS 23 New Products ON THE COVER Linear bearings reduce friction in motion systems where the motion acts along a straight - or sometimes curved - pathway. The distinct forms that linear bearings take vary by design application and range from simple to extreme precision. So, how does an engineer determine the best type of linear bearing or bushing for an application and what other specifications are necessary to know before selecting bearings? Find out in the feature on page 13. (Image by Rick Kessinger/Shutterstock) POWER TRANSMISSION-PART CONVEYING PYRATHANE® Using O-rings as drive belts? SAMPLES AVAILABLE Try Pyrathane® Round Belts for improved performance! BELTS Lifetime Warranty Against Manufacturing Defects CUSTOM MADE IN INCH, METRIC & O-RING SIZES Round, Flat and Connectable Polyurethane Belts Very Clean Operation Eliminates Tensioning Devices Exceptional Abrasion Resistance AN ISO 9001 CERTIFIED COMPANY pyramidbelts.com 641.792.2405 sales@pyramidbelts.com Motion Design, June 2021 Free Info at http://info.hotims.com/79414-702 Cov ToC 1http://info.hotims.com/79414-702 http://www.abpi.net/ntbpdfclicks/l.php?202106TBNAV