With full radiometric calibration, these imagers can not only make temperature differences visible, but provide an absolute temperature measurement. A thermal imager with a VGA sensor and 60 Hz frame rate, can give more than 18.4 million individual temperature measurements per second. Miniaturization and Performance Optimization Producing a straightforward thermal imager that visualizes heat (i.e. detects and translates the relative heat distribution of a scene under consideration into a displayed image) is no longer state-of-the-art. You can accessorize your iPhone with a thermal imager add-on for less than $200. The real technical challenge begins with increasing demands on sensitivity and measurement accuracy - displaying the smallest temperature differences or measuring temperatures as precisely as possible - while simultaneously miniaturizing the thermal imager and still meeting the performance needs of the broader market. leading manufacturers of thermographic imagers combine both the lowest NETD (Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference) and the best temperature measurement accuracy in a single device. Historically, these high-performance cameras were sensitive and accurate - but also large and heavy. This is where the trends of miniaturization and system integration are opening new applications for thermal imagers. Today's More and more applications are using thermal imagers, linking them with other sensors, such as color video cameras or LiDAR Photonics & Imaging Technology, November 2021 5 Cov ToChttp://info.hotims.com/79419-902