August 2022 Published by SAE Media Group n COLUMN 2 How Digital Data Accelerated Medtech Market Growth n THOUGHT LEADER FEATURES 4 The Future of Medtech: Here's What It Will Take to Get There 8 Applying Forensic Cost Analysis Methods to Medical Devices 12 A Disciplined Approach to Data Quality Is Essential to Healthcare's Future 17 Digital Therapeutics: Preventing, Managing, and Treating Disease 21 PreciHealth Case Study: Innovations in Self-Care Medical Devices Support Patient Engagement 24 5 Lessons Learned: Navigating the Disrupted Medical Device Manufacturing Supply Chain 28 Accelerating Sustainability in the Healthcare Industry n ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES 30 Biodata Compensation: An Ethical Responsibility 32 Incorporating 3D Artificial Intelligence with AR and VR Technology 34 Festo and MassRobotics: Leading the Global Nurturing of Healthcare Robotics Innovation 37 Electromagnetic Tracking: Detecting and Mitigating Distortion Advances Surgical Navigation n DEPARTMENTS 3 Medical Podcasts 40 Advertisers Index n ON THE COVER We're at an inflection point in device history. Technology and innovation have had a long legacy in medical device development, but what's changed in recent years is the rapid acceleration and advancement of data, technology, and users' expectations. It's become even clearer that data is power. Tracking vital health signs to help manage a condition or for overall well-being means people can proactively take control of their own health. They can have more informed conversations with health professionals and leverage data for decisions. As device designers and manufacturers, we have a powerful job - to create these devices so that people are empowered and can take control of their health. And it's our responsibility to ignite the next wave of device innovation. Read the article on page 4 to learn about four areas that will help propel medtech into the future. (Credit: everything possible/Shutterstock) Medical Design Briefs, August 2022 MDB John Evans' Sons Ad 0822.indd 1 7/7/22 12:00 PM 1