September 2022 Published by SAE Media Group n COLUMN 4 From the Editor n FEATURES 6 Inside the OEM: Baxter 12 Cobots Offer Advantages for Biomedical Testing Applications 16 BIOMEDevice Boston Show Preview n TECH BRIEFS 27 Tiny Robots Bring Healthcare Closer to Precisely Targeted Drug Delivery 28 Surface Mount Technology for PCB Assembly Use Case and SMT in Healthcare Systems 30 Helmet Made of Magnetic Metamaterials Could Improve Brain Scans 31 Risk Management for Cybersecure Networked Medical Devices 32 Medical Packaging: Automation of Thermoforming Processes 34 Researchers Develop Rapid Lab-on-a-Chip for Cancer, COVID Diagnostics 36 How RFID Can Help Healthcare Maintain an Effective Working Environment MDB Sealevel Systems Ad 0522 copy.qxp_1/2 Page Horizontal 4/20/22 1:11 PM Page 1 n APPLICATIONS 38 Why Cleanroom Assembly of Plastic Medical and Electronic Devices Requires Ultrasonic Welding n DEPARTMENTS 25 R&D Roundup 40 New Products & Services 42 Advertisers Index n ON THE COVER For developers and manufacturers of networked medical devices, IT security is increasingly becoming a challenge. While the number of cyber threats is growing significantly, companies often lack experience and clear guidelines for medical security. Read the article on page 31 to learn why a comprehensive and complete security risk management plan helps meet existing requirements in the best possible way and learn how to develop efficient countermeasures to protect these devices. (Credit: Shutterstock/LuckyStep) 2 Medical Design Briefs, September 2022