Power & Energy petitive with established thermoelectric generators for the first time. So-called Heusler alloys - magnetic intermetallic compounds - are applied in the form of thin films in thermomagnetic generators and provide for a big temperature-dependent change of magnetization and quick heat transfer. This is the basis of the new concept of resonant self-actuation. Even at small temperature differences, resonant vibrations are induced in devices and can be converted efficiently into electrical power. Still, electrical power of single devices is low and upscaling will depend on material development and engineering. The researchers used a nickel-manganese-gallium alloy and found that alloy film thickness and the device footprint influence electrical power in opposite directions. Based on this finding, they succeeded in improving electrical power per footprint by a factor of 3.4 by increasing the thickness of the alloy film from 5 to 40 micrometers. The thermomagnetic generators reached a maximum electrical power of 50 microwatts per square centimeter at a temperature change of just 3 °C. These results pave the way to the development of customized thermomagnetic generators connected in parallel for potential use of waste heat close to room temperature. For more information, contact Martin The thermomagnetic generators are based on magnetic thin films with highly temperature-dependent properties. (Photo: IMT/KIT) Heidelberger at martin.heidelberger@kit. edu; +49 721 608-41169. Upcoming... Webinars Test Essentials: Spectrum Analyzer Basics Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 11:00 am EDT Good measurements are essential for any test setup whatever that scenario might be. Understanding basic requirements and terms is imperative to ensure the measurement accuracy and performance of a device under test. This 60-minute Webinar discusses the basics of spectrum analysis. Topics include: * What's a spectrum analyzer? * How does it work? * How does it compare to other test and measurement gear such as oscilloscopes? * How can you make the best measurements using a spectrum analyzer? Speaker: Rich Markley Product Manager Rohde & Schwarz Please visit www.techbriefs.com/webinar277 48 TB Webinar Half Page 49 Ad 0522_1.indd 1 www.techbriefs.com Tech Briefs, May 2022 4/18/22 2:42 PM TB Power Energy 0522_1.indd 48 Cov ToC 4/19/22 9:50 AMhttp://www.techbriefs.com/webinar277 http://www.techbriefs.com http://info.hotims.com/82321-809