Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 12
Tech Trends
Long points to data integrity as the
common thread across the entire digital
health innovation landscape. " With
data integrity comes data volume, and
with data volume can come operational
burden - unless, of course, a provider
has the right tools. Through artificial
unlock new insights
and extract value from
operational data that we
have yet to see in healthcare. "
and machine
learning, the data collected by devices
can be instantaneously analyzed, rapidly
surfacing, and sharing key findings
with the stakeholders who can affect
change, " he says. " At InfoBionic, we
use these tools to empower providers
with the key indicators of cardiac
health. In our space, AI enables more
complete visibility and faster diagnoses,
both of which have the power to
improve healthcare outcomes
time. By harnessing AI, timeconstrained
providers can do more of
what they do best. "
AI-ML is an exciting space for device
companies. Anderson says they are all
looking at the best ways to leverage this
powerful tool to help patients.
" I think it has had the most impact in
two areas - clinical research and image
assessment. In clinical research, we have
projects looking at the massive datasets
we and others are collecting on patient
data with ML platforms to unlock new
understandings that could change our
understanding of patient care. In image
assessment, there are areas with big variability
such as consistency in biopsy readings
and even heart functional assessment
that have critical impacts on
patient care. By using a powerful tool
like AI-ML, we could drive more consistency
in outcomes which would be an
incredible achievement. "
But extracting data using AI and ML
and making the data meaningful is the
real challenge. " As we continue to emphasize
the growing sector of healthcare
that exists within AI and machine learning,
we must first focus on extracting
and utilizing data in an efficient way, "
says Tommy Carls, vice president of
product development and marketing at
Proprio, Seattle, WA.
" Across the patient care continuum,
there are mass quantities of valuable and
dense pockets of data generated every
minute. In fact, I had a conversation recently
with a clinical influencer who stated,
'everything is a data point,' and they
are absolutely right. By understanding
and applying patient and clinical data, it
Innovations Raising
the Standard of Care
" The future of the
healthcare industry is incredibly
bright, " says Anderson.
" Every day, a new innovation is
being produced or improved, and the industry's
collective momentum ensures
that we can improve both the surgeon and
patient experience. It is vital to provide
our healthcare teams access to high-quality
technology that not only allows them to
perform their job more efficiently but also
raises the standard of care. "
The Paragonix SherpaPak® Cardiac Transport System is the leading FDAcleared
and CE-marked medical device for heart transportation.
(Credit: Paragonix)
Anderson says their success in transplantation
has its foundation in providing
technologies that optimally and
seamlessly fit into a complex clinical situation.
" We believe in technology victories
by empowering clinicians and making
them the master of a process - not
burdening them with complexity that
leads to money and time spent unnecessarily, "
she says.
Trends such as remote monitoring
will continue to be key to advances in
healthcare. " While remote monitoring
is not a new concept, its evolution is
driving healthcare to places it has never
been " says Long. " An innovative virtual
telemetry platform like InfoBionic's
MoMe™ ARC Platform builds on the
foundation of traditional remote cardiac
telemetry and blends it with new level
of acuity, continuity, and convenience
in remote and hybrid care
models. When I think about the future
of medical technology, and the rule it
needs to play to enable today's dynamic
care landscape, I see virtual telemetry
at the heart of it all. "
" There has never been a better time
for disruptive, innovative companies to
bring solutions into the medical technology
space, " says Carls. " Due to the
complexity of medical technology, it is
important to collaborate with clinicians
who understand the intent and purpose
of a product's application and purpose.
Because of this, I also expect to see surgeons
acting as clinical influencers who
will have an increasingly greater role in
product development.
" Because we're using technology to
drive decision making in the field, we
can expect to see the future of medical
technology development to lean heavily
on clinicians who understand the complicated
dynamics and needs of patients,
providers, and health systems
along with regulatory and reimbursement
hurdles. "
1. " Wearable Tech - Thematic Research, Global
Data, August 2019,
2. " Digital Therapeutics Market Size By Component, "
Global Market Insights, December 2022,
3. Big Data Healthcare Market - Growth, Trends,
COVID-19 Impact, and Forecasts (2023-2028),
4. Mordor Intelligence,,period%20
article was written by Sherrie
Trigg, Editor and Director of Medical
Content for MDB. She can be reached at
Medical Design Briefs, February 2023
Throughout 2023, he
says, " we can expect to
see increased interest in
developing systems and
technology that is capable
of extracting electronic
health data across
multiple systems, linking
that data to common
standards and finally
providing that data intelligently
to point of care
at the appropriate time. ",period%20(2022-2027
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Medical Design Briefs - February 2023
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - Cov1A
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - Cov1B
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - Cov1
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - Cov2
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 1
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 2
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 3
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 4
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 5
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 6
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 7
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 8
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 9
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 10
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 11
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 12
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 13
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 14
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 15
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Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 18
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 19
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Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - 23
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Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - Cov3
Medical Design Briefs - February 2023 - Cov4