Multiphysics Simulation Drives Smart City Technology C 14 ontemporary power boxes (or feeder pillars, as they are known outside of the U.S.) are mounted in the street and control the electrical supply to dwellings within a neighborhood. As residents increasingly prioritize the aesthetic and continue to place a high value on urban living, there is a need for less conspicuous power boxes. But as it turns out, there is a valid reason behind the bulky size of the power boxes. The size of the traditional design holds the hardware necessary to reduce the high power of the long-distance power line to a power suitable for distribution to homes and businesses. The worthy goal of reducing the size of the power boxes comes with the additional challenge of routing power with considerably less area while considering resistance and Lorentz forces, a not insignificant undertaking. ▲ 2.01x107 x107 ▲ 2.01x107 x107 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 Figure 1: The innovative busbar system serves to distribute the same amount of power, yet is contained within a smaller space than a conventional power box. (Image: COMSOL, Inc.) m -0.2 0.2 m Figure 2: Induced von mises stress at 103 m/s velocity. (Image: COMSOL, Inc.) Tech Briefs, June 2023 -0.2 ▼ 0.23 urbans/Shutterstock.com