Aerospace & Defense Technology Contents FEATURES ________________________________________ Weapons & Armament 6 A New Look at Ignition: Refining Our Understanding of Combustion Dynamics in Gun Chambers Military Vehicles 11 How High-Reliability Capacitors Support Electrical Power in Military Vehicles Modeling & Simulation 14 How to Get Advanced Air Mobility into the Sky Aerospace Manufacturing & Production 18 Making the Rounds in Aerospace: Tooling and Techniques for Discs, Blisks and Rings Rising Star Awards 24 Rising Star Awards: Women in Engineering Aerospace Winner Heather Cummings RF & Microwave Technology 27 Beyond the Beam: The Impact of Coaxial Cables on Phased Array Technology 31 Cutting-Edge Drone Killer Radio Wave Weapon Developing at Pace TECH BRIEFS ______________________________________ 32 Using Artificial Intelligence to Find the Polymers of the Future 34 Machine Learning Unlocks Secrets to Advanced Alloys DEPARTMENTS ____________________________________ 36 Applications 38 New Products 40 Ad Index ON THE COVER ____________________________________ Aerospace engine components like discs, blisks and rings perform in extreme operating environments. They need to withstand intense heat and stress and be as lightweight as possible. Advances in material science are leading to new exotic materials that are stronger, more heat-resistant and, as a result, even more difficult to machine. Meanwhile, machinists are asked to do more than ever while navigating ever increasing complexities in parts, machines and processes. To learn how manufacturing engineers and machinists can avoid becoming complacent and overcome common challenges with the latest tools and techniques, read the feature article on page 18. (Green Creator/Adobe Stock) 2 Aerospace & Defense Technology, October 2024