C E L E B R ATI NG AN OV E R 20 Y E AR RUN OF COATI NG YOUR MED I C AL D E V I C E S Like a tailor, Formacoat is a skilled manufacturer that has the ability to imaginatively draw from many different coatings and techniques to provide you with the ultimate coating solution. We don't sell coatings, but instead are able to select from a truly brilliant range of coating resources to give you choices and options to find the best of all outcomes. Our R&D engineers have an artisan's eye for different coatings and the ability to create systems and processes to perfect your product. With over 20 years of experience, Formacoat is ready to move your device from problems to profits. We have a knack to effectively and efficiently tailor coating solutions inside our amazing techno-purpose cleanrooms that fit all your needs. With 38,000 square feet of space devoted to commercial scale contract coating operations and powerful R&D, we are capable of more than ever before. We can take your goals and desires and create the perfect solution for all your coating needs. Creatively Coating What You Dare to Dream www.formacoat.com/dream Making the Tools of Medicine Run Smoother® Call or Email Formacoat Today: 952.895.0200 * Info@formacoat.comhttp://info.hotims.com/86253-746 http://info.hotims.com/86253-746