www.medicaldesignbriefs.com April 2024 Inside the OEM: Zimmer Biomet Wearables: Integrating Smart Technology NEMA & International Medical Cords With Clips Interpower® North American and international hospital-grade cord sets provide the correct amperages and voltages for medical devices worldwide. North American and Japanese hospital-grade plugs and receptacles bear the green dot, signifying the plugs have passed the rigorous UL 817 Abrupt Removal Test (UL 817, and C22.2 No. 21-14 requirements for hospital-grade cords. Other countries using hospital-grade cords such as Australia and Denmark, have proprietary requirements. Design Briefs * Motors: Enhancing Surgical Precision * Ultrasonic Surgery * The Future of UDI ® Toll-Free Phone: (800) 662-2290 E-mail: info@interpower.com Business Hours: 7 a.m.-5 p.m. CST Add Cord Clips to hospital-grade cords to maximize patient and staff safety. Clips are reinforced Polypropylene resin to ensure consistency and optimal retention. ®http://www.medicaldesignbriefs.com http://info.hotims.com/86254-741