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Welcome to Applied Spectroscopy Practica
Applied Spectroscopy Practica
2023, Vol. 1(1) 1-2
© The Author(s) 2023
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/27551857231168735
digital " e-book " version of the journal. Because Practica is
Open Access, the digital version will be distributed widely,
above and beyond SAS's membership.
The Society for Applied Spectroscopy
Practica is a new, open access spectroscopy journal from the
Society for Applied Spectroscopy (SAS). SAS's flagship journal,
Applied Spectroscopy, is now in its 77th yearly volume,
and all those volumes are available online. Having published
one journal for all those years, starting a second journal is
clearly a major, and also exciting, step for the Society.
SAS and the editors of Applied Spectroscopy, in conjunction
with our publishing partner, SAGE Publications Inc., have
been following the move toward " Open Access " scientific
publishing for the past few years. Open Access journals are
funded by article processing charges (APCs), paid by the
author (i.e., their institution or employer). In some countries,
SAGE has negotiated overall agreements that cover APCs.
Applied Spectroscopy currently accepts Open Access papers,
and in addition, Focal Point Reviews are free to view.
Practica is an Open Access, electronic-only (no print
version) journal, meaning that papers published are available
to all at no charge. It focuses on the publication of
practical applications of a previously or currently developed
field or theory. Papers from all fields of scientific endeavor
in which spectroscopy is utilized are considered for publication
from venues including universities, institutes, government
and industrial laboratories, and analytical instrument
manufacturers. The Society therefore believes that this
new journal will be of particular interest to industrial spectroscopists,
in industries such as chemical, petrochemical,
polymers, pharmaceutical, personal care, etc. Open Access
papers and journals typically have high readership and citation
The full Aims and Scope for Practica can be found here,
and the Submission Guidelines here.
Practica is published quarterly, with the first issue scheduled
for June 2023. The journal is available on the SAGE website,
where papers can be freely accessed via HTML (online),
and via PDF downloads. In addition, SAS will distribute a
The SAS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the dissemination
of information related to spectroscopy. In business for
over 60 years, the Society is committed to education and to
providing quality benefits to members worldwide. The objective
of this Society is to advance and disseminate knowledge
and information concerning the art and science of spectroscopy
and other allied sciences. We are pleased to be the proprietor
of the internationally recognized, peer reviewed journal
Applied Spectroscopy and now Applied Spectroscopy Practica.
Our SAS governing body consists of a member-elected
Executive Committee and Governing Board. Both meet regularly
to ensure the Society is functioning at the highest level
possible, providing our members with the most for their
membership dollars.
Supporting our Executive Committee and Governing
Board are a host of working committees and sections that
implement the ideas and projects that will help our members
become better scientists. Any member is eligible to serve on
the Governing Board and committees, and we welcome any
and all volunteers. This is a member-driven society.
SAS's annual meeting is held in conjunction with the SciX
Meeting presented by the Federation of Analytical Chemistry
and Spectroscopy Societies each autumn. We host numerous
events and symposia at SciX, and your SAS membership gets
you a discount to attend. In addition to SciX, SAS supports
several other meetings including the Pittsburgh Conference,
where we also host a number of events for our members.
Please visit us on the exhibit floor at these meetings.
Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial
4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution
of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Applied_Spectroscopy_Practica_01_01
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