Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 1
S P E C I A L C AT E G O R Y R E P O R T :
The Rise of Organic
Grains and Flours
emand for organic baked goods among consumers continues to drive demand for organic
agriculture in the grain fields. While this category holds a small share of total organic food
sales and total crop acreage, its gains in both shelf space and acreage cannot be denied. In this
special category report, written by the editors of Baking & Snack and Milling & Baking News and
sponsored by Ardent Mills, see how consumers are responding to organic baked goods and how
organic baking companies can win over the hesitant consumer. Also learn what challenges still
exist for organic agriculture as it tries to keep up with growing demand.
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 1
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 2
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 3
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 4
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 5
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 6
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 7
Special category report: The Rise of Organic Grains and Flours - 8