Protein Today - ADM 2019 - 1

Protein Today,


iven the steady changes in consumer attitudes and eating habits, the time is ripe for
the next evolution of plant-based proteins:
"protein plus." The plus in this case, is ingredients
with positive nutrition and functional benefits.
Like a rapidly growing crop, fueled by fortunate
circumstances and proper planting, the plantbased marketplace has expanded significantly
over the last couple of years. One would be hardpressed to be unaware of the veritable explosion
of plant-based foods and beverages across a
variety of categories, from fast-food burgers and
breakfast sandwiches to high-end restaurant dishes and grocery store meat cases.
The rise of plant-based foods, particularly plant-

based proteins, caps a decade in which proteins
often took center stage, with the popularity of diets
such as Keto, Paleo and other eating plans.
The common denominator in the success of both
plant-based foods and proteins is consumers' interest in health and wellness. The definition of health
and wellness is changing, and people are taking a
more holistic approach to mind, body and spirit in
their quest to live a high quality life for longer.
As part of this preventive holistic wellness, consumers are increasingly making the connection
between food and health. When asked the main
reason they are consuming plant-based proteins,
flexitarians surveyed in ADM's August 2019 OutsideVoice™ Consumer Study cited their interest


Protein Today - ADM 2019

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Protein Today - ADM 2019

Protein Today - ADM 2019 - 1
Protein Today - ADM 2019 - 2
Protein Today - ADM 2019 - 3
Protein Today - ADM 2019 - 4