Phoenix that specialize in sandwiches, fresh bakery and ice cream, says when the recession started 98% of his customers were Hispanic. “When the recession started, I noticed right away that a lot of customers were struggling,” Alvarez says. “Our concept is quite inexpensive. We have a very casual menu. But people stopped buying the same amount of what they used to buy. So I started advertising to a different market by advertising on younger pop stations, the Phoenix New Times and several magazines geared for different markets. We had built a new store in Avondale, featuring a nice setup and more of a franchised look. All of these moves gave us a great result.” Shifting their merchandising and marketing efforts toward a wider and younger audience resulted in a different customer mix today for Tortas Paquime. Hispanics represent about 70% of their clientele. The remainder is a mix of other demographics, including younger customers. “Now we have a good combination of all other customers. We see a lot of office people and Opposite: Unique shapes distinguish many Hispanic pastries. Below: Tortas Paquime piles the avocado on its sandwiches. superior quality Discover the North Dakota Difference Clear Flour: Dakota Warrior This spring wheat clear flour is the exceptional ingredient for rye and variety breads. Dakota Warrior yields unsurpassed baking performance and quality with its excellent absorption and maximum gluten strength. Call 1-800-538-7721 to discover the difference. | AUG 2012 > 37