Nut allergies, gluten intolerance and allergies to soy represent a few of the dietary issues many deal with on a daily basis. Mud Pie works with customers to bring them delicious baked goods regardless of their dietary restrictions. Sometimes it has to substitute its established alternative to make a recipe work. “We tend to have more problems when we get more specialty “We just try to blend the ingredients in different proportions to make it work and still taste right and good.” Ashley Valverde, Mud Pie Vegan Bakery orders, like someone has a soy allergy,” Valverde says. “We’ll have to use different types of milks and different types of soyfree butter substitutes.” Valverde and Hughes frequently use trial and error when trying to make the best possible product when food allergies limit them in the ingredient department. “Sometimes we use nuts and we have to substitute that,” Valverde says. If there is time to experiment, Valverde tries to find the best blend of flours See us at ATB booth #339 caketoppub.com