products ARTISAN SCONE MIX POPPING SUGAR PURPLE WHEAT BREAD At the beginning of 2013, Donsuemor added its new line of scone mix. The scone mix recipe makes light, flavorful, moist and buttery scones that come in two flavors: blueberry and lemon currant. All natural and certified kosher. Molecule- R has added to their trending product line. With Molecule-R’s Popping Sugar you can make any dessert pop. Popping Sugar is a carbonated sugar that can be added to chocolate or even ice cream. Available in 1.2 lb and 2.8 oz packages. Purple Wheat Bread Base 40 from Caravan Ingredients offers a blend of purple wheat flour and corn. Specially formulated to enhance the quality of the finished product for an extended time it can be used with whole wheat or patent flour. IPAD MINI REGISTER LOWER OPERATING COSTS PACKAGING FOR SINGLE-SERVE ShopKeep POS has launched its new iPad Mini Register to help improve merchant operations by dramatically reducing wait times and enhancing efficiency. The iPad mini allows merchants to take orders from customers as they walk in the store. Friedrich has added a new controller on their rack oven that includes “add 1 minute” and “add 2 minutes” features. The controller can be operated as “manual” or “programmable,” giving you versatility with your oven capabilities. Clear Lam introduces the new Indulgence product line for the single-serve premium cupcake and muffin. The gift box style packaging features two-dimensional merchandising, with the contents inside easily viewed from the top or front. 54 < MAR 2013 | bakemag.com