Everything You Need to Make the World’s Best Donuts! THERMOGLAZE FROZEN DONUT SYSTEM DONUT ROBOT® Designed to allow a single person to produce more donuts, and better quality donuts, than standard frying. This happens because each donut is given the same frying time and is turned over at the same moment, while absorbing less fat. No need to make donuts from scratch - Thermoglaze heats and glazes all varieties of pre-fried donuts. Belshaw Adamatic’s Thermoglaze heats and glazes all varieties of pre-fried donuts. The look and taste of Thermoglaze donuts can equal those of fresh-fried! 724CG-724FG DONUT FRYER (GAS) BX4E-ECOTOUCH CONVECTION OVEN This industry standard donut fryer generally holds 36 standard size cake or yeast-raised donuts and has a capacity of approximately 80100 dozen donuts/hour. Has the ability to reheat frozen baked goods of all kinds to perfection, as well as high quality par-baking and baking from scratch. 616B DONUT FRYER HG18EZ GLAZER The most compact, easy-touse fryer, 16 x 16 inches (41 x 41 cm) that will serve you for years and years. Allows fast, uniform glazing of donuts, cinnamon rolls, cakes and other baked goods. Visit us at Booth 7507http://www.belshaw-adamatic.com