Offer customers samples of the experimental cookies to create buzz, get the product into their hands and ask for feedback. Gourmet Cookies Off ering certain gourmet cookies as specialty will catch your shoppers' eyes' with strategic signage and descriptions. Bakeries can produce gourmet cookies in a multitude of ways. Ingredients give bakeries the easiest avenue into the gourmet and specialty cookie business. By simply baking in out of the ordinary ingredients, cookies instantly become something special and the prices go up. Start by taking any of your basic cookie off erings and topping them with chunks of popular candy bars. Experiment with the size of the chunks and at what point in the baking process you add them. Off er customers samples of the experimental cookies to create buzz, get the product into their hands and ask for feedback. Custom Decorated Cookies Off er your customers the service of custom decorating any of your regular cookie off erings for an upsell. Give customers a number of diff erent toppings and icings to choose from. Royal icing, sprinkles, etc. If possible, take custom orders and have your decorator do them, and charge accordingly. MIXES I T' S GLUTEN FREE AS IT SHOULD BE - AMAZING AND DELIC IOUS. We created King Arthur Flour gluten-free products to meet the same exacting standards GLUTEN-FREE FLOUR 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29630 | 25 lb. - KAF #29925 | 50 lb. - KAF #30050 GLUTEN-FREE SCONE MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29830 | 25 lb. - KAF #30125 | 50 lb. - KAF #30250 GLUTEN-FREE BANANA BREAD MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #28930 | 25 lb. - KAF #29225 | 50 lb. - KAF #29350 GLUTEN-FREE COOKIE MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29330 | 25 lb. - KAF #29625 | 50 lb. - KAF #29750 GLUTEN-FREE ALL-PURPOSE BAKING MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #28830 | 25 lb. - KAF #29125 | 50 lb. - KAF #29250 GLUTEN-FREE BROWNIE MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29130 | 25 lb. - KAF #29425 | 50 lb. - KAF #29550 GLUTEN-FREE BREAD + PIZZA MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29030 | 25 lb. - KAF #29325 | 50 lb. - KAF #29450 GLUTEN-FREE MUFFIN MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29530 | 25 lb. - KAF #29825 | 50 lb. - KAF #29950 GLUTEN-FREE CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29230 | 25 lb. - KAF #29525 | 50 lb. - KAF #29650 GLUTEN-FREE YELLOW CAKE MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29930 | 25 lb. - KAF #30225 | 50 lb. - KAF #30350 GLUTEN-FREE DOUGHNUT MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29430 | 25 lb. - KAF #29725 | 50 lb. - KAF #29850 GLUTEN-FREE PANCAKE MIX 6/5 lb. bags - KAF #29730 | 25 lb. - KAF #30025 | 50 lb. - KAF #30150 KING ARTHUR FLOUR HEADQUARTERS 877-KAFLOUR or 877-523-5687 For more information visit Kosher | DEC 2014 > 53