Your customers will notice the quality.
You'll notice the convenience.
Dawn's full line of frozen products gives you the best of both.
With Dawn's frozen products, you know you're giving your customers the
quality they demand. But you also know what you're getting. You get time
and labor savings so you can concentrate on signature and high-profit items. You get
an easy way to keep your cases full- so your customers will never go away disappointed.
You get a reduction in stales, it's quick and easy to replenish product throughout the
day. And you get variety, with a full line of donuts, muffins, cakes and much more to
choose from. Of course, your customers will just know you're giving them
what they want: delicious baked goods that taste freshly made.
Get the advantages of Dawn's frozen line: contact your Dawn representative
or call 1-800-248-1144. You'll notice the difference, and so will your customers.
Jackson, Michigan
For information circle 4 on InfoCard
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of bakingbuyer - August 2004