Save : 1 onjYoti ) extJina I 1 I I L i I W I - 1200- 1400 Dozen/Hr. Donut Line for yeast 1200-1400 y / / raised and cake ca k e donuts. Includes glazing, g lazing, cingg an cin andd sugaring su garin g finishing equipment. \\ tojio s \ '4 mondiu/ Corp. 4 // p -- - ' - 850 lbs/ lbs/Hr 650 E500 850 lbs/Hr. Hr. Instant Instant (Pre-cooke (Pre-cooked) d - W hether you need a line t hat fro m Pasta noodle line. line. Complete Comp lete from 'asta noodle fluxing ixing through to the final dryer. Can e use usedd for for sheeted sheeted snacks snacks as well well.. pre-owned, r jH bakery 4ui p rnent inventor Topos is the - pv p - first nam bakeries look with over 50 combined to years of bakery equipment exper ience. Topos has a - H "R ykaar ykaartt "" Automatic Laminated Danish type line. Comp lete from dough feeder through to the finishing hing table. 24" wi de line. 30 Dozen/Hr. English Muffin " ne. Comp lete f rom divider rou gh to the packaging I? S j VI ii vtini mi Muffin or Mini Brownie full y automatic au tomati c line. line m e ,fully omplete with gas fJush flush high eedd packaging. pee iniii Pie line. Custom 12 in de make-up. Can be made o a combo wire cut cookie e along with pies pies. Automatic soft pretzel production line line. Includes Inclu des cooker and oven. Built in 2000 , Like new. I 6 19 Other Full y Automati Lines in Stock Today! 80/120 Loaf per m m . Bread Lines 400/800 pCS per m m . Bun Lines For more information, see Page 97 2000 dz per hour Bagel Lines 1200 dz/ Fried Hoi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - bun line -