.IBIE Proofing , Bakin g, u Ii 115 SDlutions and C oIing INTERNATIONAL BAKING INDUSTRY EXPOSITION O C T O B E R 7-10, 2007 ORLANDO , FLORIDA USA ORANGE COUNTY CO NV[NI ION C[U IER l:1li iIi COM WWW .IBIE2OO7. 1 See us at IBIE booth# 3317 : : . j _ _ T _ _ _ _ 'a - NY- 1 __ - _ _ _ _ ..IIII 1 __ I ! ' ' - i 9!= . j _t It' - I l t _ rf _ U- 0 _______ - S. i - 1_i OVENS -- - I n Loaders .i I I F loaders T[i Ove / Un I . Extensions i Oven -\ 0.\L - I I I I Combination Loaders * Combination Unloaders I i o *t FiredI Tunne I l Ovens c -C* .* * i Ovens I IA 1 Indirect Fired * Traveling * * Tray * Ovens oc c*T I Pita Bread * * Ovçp Specialty Bread ovens - * i 'i 'r N ll -- -- - - -- : - - ___ C- ______ OVEN and PROOFER SERVICES I I lii i L ILI1I. IJJ.I I 1iu 11Ik Annual OSHA Oven lnspecti ns ven Rebuilds and Repairs ew Oven Installations Oven Remova ls A2 ? oO Oven Replaceme nt Parts I!M.I11 s! Relocations Oven Oven and Proofer Exf sions Oven Chain Replacements - _ _ PROOFERS - - ____________ - - - :E JI ji -- E-.-.-.--I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - J U!.ILIU ' II Rack Proofers Traveling3 Fk9 r Mounted Tray Proofer Overhead 3jjayProofers I Sing tnd sed Spiral L Double Spira l Configurations Spiral Coolers C- _ _ _ _ %I per'IIJ Su ManuaIMIrITT l ProofI:BoI) o - DSlS 6 ert1 . -- . - . Proofer Rebuilds and Repairs Proofer Replacement Parts Proofer Installations Proofer Relocations * II For more information, see Page 153 www.thehenryg roup.com 800.356.7591http://www.thehenryg http://www.roup.com