Are you registered yet? ______________ The chance to attend IBIE only presents itself once every three years-and that chance is coming right up. You still have time to get to Orlando for the world's biggest, most comprehensive baking event of the year, where you'll have access to all the freshest ideas, resources and technology to help you stay competitive and grow your business. Don't let the sun go down on this fresh opportunity. Make your plans before it's too late. сог REGISTER NOW AT WWW.IBIE2007.COM AND SAVE. - JL: : 'N I W INT ER NAT IONA L BAKING INDUSTRY EXPOSITION OCTOBER 7-10, 2007 ORLANDO , FLORIDA USA ORANGE COUNTY CONVENTION CENTER i -. . - U WWW.IBIE2OO7 .COM Sponsored by: A For more information, see Page 145 \. 4 B 4/ A.. BEMA The baking industry suppliers associationhttp://WWW.IBIE2007.COM