- - -----,n r r Spiralox™ Optimization Intralox's Spiralox™ Optimization uses Intralox proven technology and services to retrofit existing units and deliver immediate results: increased efficiency and cost effectiveness for roughly the same price as your current technology. Spiralox Optimization is the solution for projects that have plenty of potential, but few retrofit management resources. The Intralox Spiral Team has developed solutions to optimize your existing spiral efficiency and reduce total cost of ownership in large-scale retrofits by eliminating production line bottlenecks. When you choose Spiralox Optimization, Intralox assumes responsibility for helping you achieve peak spiral performance. We deliver the benefits of over 100 years of combined retrofit experience to ensure optimal design and performance. Visit Booth 3715 at the Int'l Baking Industry Expo 2007, Oct. 7-10, Orlando, FL For more information, see Page 145 Modular Plastic Conveyor Belts intralox.com/ spiral.htmhttp://www.x.com/