/ Healthy trends are are here to stay. stay. Are you? you? GrainEss ent iaIs ' * White Whole Wheat XF xr Flour * Stone Groun d Whole Wheat Flour * Groun d Wheat Coarse coarse * Flake dR d Rye ye Meal * Whole Durum Wheat flour Flour * Pure Wheat Baker 's Bran * Wheat Germ * Pizza Mixes *Pizza Mixes * Mu ttigra ltigrairi iri Tortilla Base * 9-Grain Brea d B Base ase * Brea ders and Batters It's difficult to keep up with ever-chang ing health and consumer trends , but you don't have to do it alone. consumer At Bay State Milling, we offer two innovative product IOO : ANIC HOLE WUEAT FLOU TI4IN CRUST PIZZA MIX MIX 4000 lines of flours and blends that reflect current food /ines -- Grain gssenntials tials incorporate the growing and nutrition trends . While and While Graingsse growing importance of of increasing whole grains without sacrificing taste taste and without using tra trans ns fats , Org OrganicEssentials anicEssentia ls ' ' are assured to conform to the strictest Organi c Ess OrganicE ss enti aIs ' * 100% Organic Whole Wheat Flour * 100% Organic Organic High Gluten flour Flour * 100% Organic Brea d F/our Flour * 100% Organic Semolina * Mu !ti *Mu lti grain Brea d Base * Whole Grain Bread Base * Thirt Thin Crust PizzaMix Pizza Mix * Thick Crust Pizza Mix org anic guidelines throug h our extensi organic extensive ve supp ly-chain partnerships. partnershi ps. Fi nall y, our custom Finall custom blending services allow us to work alongside you to ddevelop evelop a unique uni que mix tnat that embodies em oates recent rieaitn health stanciarcis standards wntte while notaing holding I. the class classic ic taste of ori g inall recipe. reci pe. Stay in the mix mix,, and call of your own origtna 1-800-55-FLOUR or visit www.bayst atemilling.com. - UI r C Co y ig ht 2007 © Copyrig INTERNATIONAL BAKING INDUSTRY EXPOSITION tate b4illing i ing Bay a 'State * Where change cultivates opportunit y. See us at IBIE booth #3268 ; 800-55-FLOUR * www.baystatemil ling.com www.baystatemilling.com For more information, see Page 145http://www.bayst http://www.atemilling.com http://www.baystatemilling.com http://www.baystatemill