© 2007 American Egg Board r�sIA 4n 444�0. S Y , .. r'y'Gn 1 t 1 ,y g tr� 'lk t function taste texture natural A '� nutrition make it w tG� Eggs perform many valuable functions in the production of popular artisan baked goods. When eggs coagulate, it hel ps the rigidity of cell structure enhancing the framework of brioches , cakes , swee t goods and breads which helps to improve their texture significantly. Have any questions or want additional information I about the more than twent y function s of eggs visit EGGSdu t i ens at www.aeb.org or call toll free 1-877-488-6143. For more information, see Page 125 r u �j E: , 6- x .I A i ae/linr The utcre lib V ibl e e r Mhttp://www.aeb.org