A IB TY L TOOD MAYS IN TERNATIONAL Sinc e 1919 Conducting food safety audits to accredited and benchmarked schemes worldwide. BRC now available in North America. ALWAYO F= The AIB GMP Inspection Your Standard of Excellence in Food Safety Achievement The AIB GMP Inspection has evolved and become accepted as the proven foundation for effective food safety programs for over 50 years. AIB has stayed true to its mission of providing rigorous inspections and audits that challenge and educate our clients and improve their operations. Superior food safety education programs support this mission worldwide. 4 . ., ,�,ificate ofAc, Ge UUMEMW . Mo+ehvttu, y � Kauas YYZF oodPr ocessing j .1 1 Manhattan, Kansas br. flwY p 800-633-5137 7 ewW.hnvnw we.e.y Mex� � a4,e �° bnp ynue +Naxe N .g WV w sarro SUP,�RIOR Full details at www.aibonline.org For more information, see Page 141http://www.aibonline.org