pr 11 FINALLY , A WHITE WHOL E THAT RISES TO THE CHA t S 1 1 A WheatSelecr white spring wh o le wheat flour. Introducing PERF O RMAN C E TESTED. CO NSU MER PREFERRED. Horizon Milling 's new W heatSelec t '" w hite spring whole w heat flour gives you premium baking performance plus the 0 WHEAT SELECT ' taste and appearance consumers prefer . And because our integrated supp ly chain controls quality from seed to finished product , you can count on WheatSelect '" flour to deliver consistent ,superior results , every day. WHITE SPRING WHOLE W H E A T To f i n d out more about the a d v a n t a g e s of Whealselecr flour , c o nta ct Stephanie Liner , Sales Coordinator www.horizonm ill ing .com ® 2007 Cargill Incorporated. A l rights reserved. at 1-800-7 42-4506. HORIZON MILLING " A CARGILL FOODS AFFILIATEhttp://www.horizonm