�t5 1 . The Difference is Dry. ADM dry sweeteners deliver all the taste with less waste. Conveniently packaged in cartons and boxes, our powders and flakes give you control over the flavor and consistency of your products while reducing cleanup and the need for fluid handling equipment. Made from honey and molasses, ADM offers a full range of dry sweetener products, making us the premier resource for making the switch to dry. Call today for a FREE technical consultation. FOOD INGREDIENTS BAKERY CANDY & CONFECTIONERY DAIRY OTHER PROCESSED FOODS SNACK FOODS For customers around the world, ADM draws on its resources - its people, products, and market perspective - to help them meet today's consumer demands and envision tomorrow's needs. specialtyingredients@adm.com © Archer Daniels Midland Company For more information, see Page 137 800-637-5850 ADM