Our updated portfolio of preferred quality ingredient opportunities includes: LIQUID SWEETENERS Malts (Diastatic) Malts (Non-Diastatic) Molasses (All Grades) Corn Syrup (All Grades) Sucrose Invert Honey Customized Formulations MOLD INHIBITORS & PRESERVATIVES Calcium and Sodium Propionate Custom Liquid Formulations Potassium Sorbate Fumaric Acid Benzoic Acid Sorbic Acid Citric Acid Sodium Benzoate Sodium Diacetate J. BRANS, MEALS, FIBERS & FLOURS Oat Fiber Wheat Protein Isolates EMULSIFIERS Lecithin (Unbleached) Mineral Oil Lecithin (Dry) Trough Grease Divider Oil Formulations q 1 VITAL WHEAT GLUTEN MULTI-GRAIN AND SPECIALTY BLENDS 12, 10, 7 and 5 QIC Grain Blends QIC Gum Blend QIC Shelf Extender LEAVENERS AND CONDITIONERS ORGANIC AND NATURAL INGREDIENTS Evaporated Cane Juice Molasses Stabilized Flax Flour Wheat Gluten Wheat Starch R N - 2 We've got a "f keen eye for spotting opportunity... i t ft S k V tC ;y. Let us help you identify and pursue the opportunities that best fit your specific needs. " 1-800-843-6314 Fax: 908-879-2502 385 Route 24 * P.O. Box 306 Chester, NJ 07930 www.qicusa.com fff For more information, see Page 137 rr 'ty Ingre dients Cor pora tion A Division of Chicago Sweeteners, Inc.http://www.qicusa.com