AMERICAOS BEST Patrick Finney Blake Gunter ©2007 Roman Meal Company Grand Prize Winner Flowers Food Judges Prize Winner 1 Luminita M. Cirstea Bennison's Bakery Co-Grand Prize Winner z Lionel Vatinet La Farm Bakery Co-Grand Prize Winner Michael VandeWalle Uncle Mike's Bake Shoppe Idea Prize Winner 2 0 0 8 C O N T E S T W IN N E R S After last year's America's Best Raisin Bread Contest, these ten professional bakers from all across the country, toured the California raisin industry and re-discovered that sun dried California Raisins are the perfect ingredient to add natural sweetness, natural preservatives, vitamins and minerals into delicious and interesting new bread formulas. Anthony Sapia Gemelli Bakers Idea Prize Winner I ? ..edl Henk Balk Utopia Bakery Judges Prize Winner Larry Lobe Dawn® Food Products, Inc. Judges Prize Winner ev1 . Eric R. Spelger Caravan Ingredients Idea Prize Winner For more information, see Page 133 r ? Brian Carson Alpha™ Baking Co., Inc. Idea Prize Winner