VdIBIE NTERNATIONAL BAKING NDUSTRY EXPOSIT ION See us at IBIE booth #10634 10 3 0 Cookies are talking. Gluten-free, higher fiber,lower costs. Meet STARCHOLOGY Everybody's talking about STARCHOLOGY - and all the new ways in which National Starch can help you win sales and trim costs. We offer gluten-free solutions for cookies with truly great taste and texture. We have fiber and resistant starch that can make bread fly off the shelves. Also functional flour that skinnies up costs and fat in bakery mixes and ready-to-eat goods. STARCHOLOGY is the science and art of innovating with starch - and our experts are ready to put it to work for you. Get started with STARCHOLOGY on your side at foodinnovation.com/bakery. Unleashing the power of starchology "" National Starch FOOD INNOVATION For more information, see Page 121http://www.foodinnovation.com/bakery