APRIL 2013 www.bakingandsnack.com A SOSLAND PUBLICATION The knowledge authority for development, production, packaging and distribution of grain-based foods. Introducing e-source It’s revolutionary It’s for bakers A single-source for everything you need to locate in the baking industry. It’s home grown It’s a cooperative effort between the industry’s trade associations and Sosland Publishing. Check it out today - www.esourcebaking.com sign in Create a profi le to save your favorite searches or sign in with your facebook account. search function Search by keyword or by company location. featured listing Quick access to premium suppliers. category listings Category listings navigate with ease between equipments, ingredients or services off ered in the industry. contact & links Visit our associated links for relevant industry news and information. social media Follow the latest topics in the baking industry by clicking on twitter, facebook or linkedin.http://www.bakingandsnack.com http://www.esourcebaking.com