The Perfect Oven... for all your product needs The Air Impingement Oven by C.H. Babb * Unlimited Versatility: Can bake an endless variety of products. * Superior Baking Control: Provides quality bake with no flash heat regardless of loading pattern (one product or full oven), independent top and bottom heat control in each zone throughout the oven, even bake across the full width for ovens up to 14 ft wide and precise humidity control throughout the oven * Sanitation/Easy to Clean: Full seam welded stainless steel oven chambers with integrated drains allow all interior surfaces to be thoroughly cleaned with pressure washers or fully automated Clean in Place systems. * Reduces Bake Times: Reduce bake times by 20% to 30% and for some products can reduce bake times as much as 50% to 60%. * Unmatched Efficiency: The air impingement oven utilizes a re-circulated air heating system that significantly reduces operating costs. * Installation & Expansion: The oven is built in modular sections that are pre-assembled, pre-wired and preplumbed prior to shipment, allowing for a quick installation and oven expansion. VISIT OUR LISTING Tel: 508-977-0600 * Fax: 508-977-1985 * Email: * www.babbco.com