Sprouted Whole Wheat Flour Superior flavor and performance in every batch. BeneGrain brings you the very best in sprouted wheat performance. Our meticulously controlled germination process transforms whole wheat - creating a better-tasting option that satisfies you and your customers. t&YDFQUJPOBMCBLJOHQFSGPSNBODF t3FEVDFEOFFEGPSNBMUFECBSMFZnPVSBOEWJUBMXIFBUHMVUFO t-FTTCJUUFSOFTTNFBOTBEEJOHMFTTTVHBS t8IPMFHSBJOOVUSJUJPOUIBUTFBTJMZEJHFTUFE t"WBJMBCMFJODPOWFOUJPOBMBOEPSHBOJD © Copyright 2015 For more information on our products, call 1-800-553-5687 or visit www.baystatemilling.comhttp://www.baystatemilling.com