Operations: Energy solutions by Andy Nelson W ith automation and other technologies replacing activities that used to be done by hand, energy costs are becoming a bigger and bigger part of the total cost of food production. In addition, more retailers and consumers want the foods they buy to be produced in an environmentally friendly manner. It all adds up to strong demand for energy-efficient buildings. "This is a segment that we can readily affect by utilizing more energy-efficient designs and equipment," says Mike Pierce, president of Clevelandbased design-build firm The Austin "This is a segment that we can readily affect by utilizing more energy-efficient designs and equipment, Manufacturers of components used in the construction and fit-out of food plants are being pushed to innovate and build their items for energy efficiency, making choices for the end user much easier." Mike Pierce, president, The Austin Co. Co. "Manufacturers of components used in the construction and fit-out of SOLAR PANELS ARE AN INCREASINGLY COMMON ENERGY EFFICIENCY TOOL FOR FOOD PRODUCTION PLANTS. PHOTO: ©ZARG404 - STOCK.ADOBE.COM 10 * DECEMBER 2017 * commissary INSIDERhttp://STOCK.ADOBE.COM