IBIE, special edition & show preview -- 2013 - (Page 55)
Predict & Prevent
Prevention forms the core of FDA’s new FSMA food safety regulations.
by Keith Nunes, Food Business News
The Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) is in the midst of implementing the Food Safety Modernization
Act (FSMA), the most sweeping piece of food safety legislation
passed in decades. The new regulations’ focus on prevention and the
requirements companies will have
to meet to stay in compliance should
particularly interest the grain-based
foods industry.
Why? Because of undeclared allergens, a persistent problem for bakers.
In early May, FDA announced
FSMA-related changes in its Reportable Food Registry (RFR), an initiative originally launched in 2009 that
requires food and beverage companies to report food safety incidences
that may impact public health. In
2012, undeclared allergens accounted
for the most common food safety incidents, making up 38% of reports.
Bakery products, cookies and cakes
were the most-reported food types
when it came to undeclared allergens.
Most of these incidents involved dairy
Written records
But there are other aspects of FSMA
that should concern bakers.
Separately in January, FDA published proposed FSMA rules requiring all food manufacturers that
sell products in the US to develop
and implement a written plan for
preventing products from causing foodborne illness. The rule also
would require manufacturers to
have written plans for correcting
any problems that may arise.
FDA said the proposed rule, ti-
tled “Current Good Manufacturing
Practice and Hazard Analysis and
Risk-Based Preventive Controls
for Human Food,” would require
each food manufacturing plant to
implement a written food safety
plan that would include hazard
analysis, preventive controls, monitoring procedures, corrective action procedures, verification procedures and a recall plan.
Each facility’s written hazard
analysis must identify and evaluate known or reasonably foreseeable hazards for each type of food
that may be manufactured, packed
or held at the plant, including biological, chemical, physical or radiological risks. The analysis should
include an evaluation of each identified hazard, including an assessment
of the severity of illness or injury to
humans if it were to occur.
The plant manager would be required to identify, execute and put
his signature on these preventive
to accompany the identified
preventive controls.
Plants would be required to
monitor the preventive controls to
ensure they are consistently performed. This may include creating
and carrying out written monitoring procedures and establishing
and maintaining records documenting the monitoring process.
Each food plant would also be required to establish and enact written corrective action procedures
in the event that preventive controls fail and an unanticipated
problem occurs.
The FDA proposal further requires plants to conduct verification efforts that include validation of preventive controls,
evidence of active monitoring,
proof of sound decision-making
concerning corrective actions,
and documentation that preventive controls are consistently and
effectively preventing haz-
Last year, baked foods,
cookies and cakes
clocked the highest
number of incidence of
undeclared allergens.
The Food Safety Modernization Act is the most sweeping
piece of food safety legislation
passed in decades.
controls, including at critical control points, to provide assurances
that hazards that are reasonably
likely to occur will be minimized
or prevented. These controls may
include a focus on allergens and
sanitation. Additionally, each plant
must produce a written recall plan
ards that are reasonably likely
to occur. FDA said each plant
will have to reanalyze its written food safety plan at least
once every three years
and more often should
circumstances warrant.
Concerning the pro-
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IBIE, special edition & show preview -- 2013
IBIE, special edition & show preview -- 2013
Table of Contents
IBIE Perspective - Amid challenges, opportunities persist
State of the Industry - Dizzying changes among baking’s leaders
A changing of the guard
Making Baking History - Progress on Parade
Capital Spending Survey - Making the safe bet
Survey reaches wide sample
IBIE Tech - Going Mobile
ABA Perspectives - Big changes since IBIE 2010
ABA: On the Front Lines
Keep on track with FTRAC
Let's Keep on Truckin'
An Ounce of Prevention
BEMA Initiatives - Collaborative Solutions
Critical Issue: FSMA - Predict & Prevent
Court orders FDA to step up its efforts
Food Safety: ANSI/ASB/Z50.2
Equipment Advances - Clean and Simple
Formulating R&D - Brave New World
Intel about ingredient trends
Critical Issue: Commodity Prices - Long and Winding Road
Ingredients: Creating Simple Labels - Simple Options
Critical Issue: Sodium Reduction - How Low Can You Go?
Ingredients: Ancient Grains - What's Old is New Again
New Product Trends: Baked Foods - Change Afoot
New Product Trends: Snacks - Reinventing Snack Time
Special Section: Bake
The Next Cupcake?
Ingredient Transparency
Food trucks on the move
New Tech Tools
IBIE 2013: A World of Possibilities
Ready to Launch
Pizza Popularity
Revel in Vegas
2013 Exhibitor List
Ad Index
IBIE, special edition & show preview -- 2013