IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 14
How to rise above artisan
scale-up challenges
onsumers' current
simple ingredients
and all things vintage often collide with their
demand for artisan breads.
These breads take a lot of time
and energy to create and require much expertise. The idea
of producing artisan breads
in an industrial bakery seems
ironic, though not in an ap-
pealing hipster way. Frank Devos, R&D manager, and David
Delbauwe, marketing, product
manager, both of Puratos, will
take an in-depth look at making the industrial leap with artisan bread in their IBIE 2016
educational session "Artisan
Bread and the Industrial Environment: Can They Go Hand
in Hand?"
One of the first issues with
artisan bread is its very definition: What makes a bread
artisan? Is it the ingredients,
the process, taste, texture or
crumb, or maybe the visual appearance? These are the first
questions Mr. Devos and Mr.
Delbauwe will answer during their session. They will
also probe how this definition
changes from the perspective
of a professional to that of a
Attendees can also expect a
breakdown of the artisan process and the challenges of scaling up to the industrial level.
Traditional artisan production
requires a lot of time and baker
expertise, two things industrial
bakeries can lack. These types
of operations excel at maximizing throughput at high
speeds, and artisan products
don't naturally fit that model.
Ingredients can also be a
barrier to scaling up artisan
products. While most artisan breads are made with the
most simplified ingredient
lists - usually just flour, water and yeast - commercial
production often requires
dough conditioners, shelf
life extenders and mold inhibitors. Mr. Devos and Mr.
Delbauwe will cover all these
challenges, and attendees
can expect to walk away with
strategies to create breads
with artisan characteristics at
the industrial level.
"Artisan Bread and the Industrial Environment: Can
They Go Hand in Hand?" will
take place Tuesday, Oct. 11, at
9:45 a.m. in Room N253. The
session is $10 to attend.
- Charlotte Atchley,
Baking & Snack
Fiberstar launches student
innovation contest
iberstar, Inc., a manufacturer of value-added
food ingredients, has
launched a student innovation contest to explore new
uses for citrus fiber.
The company's largest brand,
Citri-Fi, is a citrus fiber derived
from citrus pulp, a byproduct
of orange juice production,
which is produced using a patented process with University
of Minnesota licensed technology. Boasting a host of benefits
including moisture retention,
natural emulsification, gelling
properties, stabilization, yield
improvement and textural attributes, Citri-Fi contains solu-
ble and insoluble fiber, protein
and lipid and may be used in
a range of food applications, including meats,
bakery, dairy, beverages
and sauces. Citri-Fi 125,
Fiberstar's latest innovation, is the focal point of
the design contest.
"We are thrilled to offer universities and students an opportunity to apply their food science knowledge and creativity to
solve real-world challenges," said
John Haen, president and CEO
of Fiberstar. "Formulating with
citrus fiber will give students
experience using cutting-edge
natural ingredients like Citri-Fi."
Monday, October 10, 2016
Participants may submit food
concepts as part of a class or independent study project, and
ideas will be judged based
on originality of concept,
market need, ingredient
commercial feasibility, technical feasibility and quality of
the report.
Final submissions must include photographs of a prototype as well as formulations and
Submissions are due Dec. 15.
The first place winner will receive $10,000.
For more information, contact Brock Lundberg, PhD, at
b.lundberg@fiberstar.net or go to
to request a contest packet with
Citri-Fi samples, contest guidelines and rules, and Citri-Fi
product usage guidelines.
- Monica Watrous,
Food Business News
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 1
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 2
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 3
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 4
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 5
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 6
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 7
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 8
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 9
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 10
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 11
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 12
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 13
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 14
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 15
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 16
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 17
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 18
IBIE - 2016 Show Daily, Monday - 19
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