SCORPION® 2 DIGITAL HUMIDITY SENSOR BOOTH 5521 The SCORPION® 2 Digital Humidity Sensor is breakthrough technology designed to measure the absolute moisture content of the thermal environment in both heating and cooling processes. It is applicable to * ANTI-SATURATION TECHNOLOGY™ ALLOWING MEASUREMENTS IN STEAM CONDITIONS proofers, ovens, dryers and * DEW POINT MEASUREMENTS FROM 0°C (32°F) TO 100°C (212°F) cooling tunnels. The sensor * UNAFFECTED BY COMBUSTION GASES IN THE BAKING CHAMBER contains a proprietary * TWO PROBE INPUTS FOR CORE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS humidity sampling system * % MOISTURE BY VOLUME, DEW POINT TEMPERATURE AND % RH DISPLAYED with patent-pending AntiSaturation Technology™ that allows measurements in high temperature and very high dew point processes. Contact: Richard Starke * Launch date: April 2019 610-678-5890 Ex 3100 * 131