Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions - 2

Why Take a Systems Approach?
erriam-Webster defines " system " as " a
regularly interacting or interdependent group
of items forming a unified whole. " " Matrix " is
defined as " an environment or material in which
something develops. "
All whole foods and food ingredients are
matrices. They are composed of different
components in varying amounts and interact with
each other physically and chemically, which makes
it " something. "
When different matrices come in contact, such
as the ingredients in a plant-based burger, those
components start interacting with each other and
often continue to do so over time. In other words,
a commercially prepared food is more than the
sum of its ingredients.
A system is an established matrix. It's a specific
medley of ingredients with proven functionality
and recognized strengths and limitations.
" It can be difficult to foresee the various
effects that processing, ingredient selection and
other elements of formulating will have on an end
product, " says Corie Beyers, strategic marketing
manager-food systems, Ingredion. " We work with
our customers to help guide their formulation
process, taking into consideration the various
factors necessary to ensure a stable, reproducible
product. When developers are able to understand
how each component interacts and impacts the
product as a whole, the process becomes much
more effective and efficient. "
Ingredion Food Systems experts provide
formulators with the tools to solve the
complexities of formulating in a one-stop shop.
The systems deliver optimized solutions by
combining ingredients such as hydrocolloids,
starches, plant proteins, sweeteners and more,
depending on the need of the application.
" Today's consumers are altering their
consumption habits and product preferences at
a rapid pace, " says Ms. Beyers. " Taking a systems
approach to product development accelerates the
process, enabling our customers to respond to the
market. This includes developing new products
and reformulating existing favorites to improve
consumer appeal. "
Something as simple as increasing protein
content in a ready-to-drink smoothie, for example,
can wreak havoc on product stability and
mouthfeel. With a systems approach, the matrix
is broken down and put back together. This may
involve decreasing solids, such as cane sugar, to
compensate for the increase in protein solids.
Sweetness then requires adjustment with a highintensity
sweetener, such as stevia.
" Our goal is to take the complex process
of formulating or reformulating and turn it
into something accessible and navigable, "
says Ms. Beyers. " That's why we have created
our Formulating Checklist to help you better
understand the composition of your finished
good. "

Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions

Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions - 1
Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions - 2
Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions - 3
Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions - 4
Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions - 5
Ingredion - Understanding Ingredient Interactions - 6