TIPS N MORE The new season of Dawn’s Busy Bakery is here! Season 2 of this exciting video series from Dawn Food Products opens with the introduction of how a trend develops in the bakery – from Evolution to Adoption to Proliferation to Ubiquity. New episodes of Dawn’s Busy Bakery videos appear every week on The Baking Channel at Dawn’s Busy Bakery is a weekly video series that brings brand new thinking to the bakery and shows how to make stronger connections with shoppers. Watch, learn and turn your bakery into a destination. bring You can ate trend ol the chocnew products h alive wit bakery such as for the wnies with bro importede. chocolat 0 RESEARCH HE DAWN 36 AWN SALES “GET T YOUR D OM ONE OF U’LL KNOW FR ES, AND YO ATIV REPRESENT L OF DATA, PACKED FUL LP MAKE THAT IT IS HINTS TO HE RES, N.” FACTS, FIGU DESTINATIO BAKERY Aoducts YOUR Dawn Food Pr Chip Potter of muffinCookies, are be s and donu in ts freque g purchased in-storntly in the e bake ry. | 1 | inStorebuyer | June 2011 | Make Your Bakery their Bakery.TM