TIPS N MORE TREND EVOLUTION Dawn’s Busy Bakery Season 2 is based on the Dawn 360, a proprietary research study from m Dawn Food Products that takes a full view of what’s happening in the bakery industry. The Dawn 360 is a comprehensive study that examines the hottest new trends among consumers, bakeries, restaurants and grocery stores. The Season 2 series takes a comprehensive look at how a trend develops in the bakery he baker ry – from Evolution to Adoption to Proliferation to Ubiquity. Blueb Banana Nerry, Double Ch ut and the three ocolate are make up tflavors that of all muf wo-thirds fin sales. 1. Adoption 2. Proliferation 3. Ubiquity 4. Inception – when fine dining chefs come up with a great idea. The Dawn 360% 8 reveals that 6pers of muffin shop purchase n them more tha. once a month – when casual dining grabs hold of that idea and starts to bring it to life. – when quick service takes the idea, and you begin to see the food trend in more and more locations. – when the idea becomes ubiquitous, and you see it in stores every day. | inStorebuyer | August 2011