MANY OF THE TOP 25 USE THE INNOSEAL SYSTEM TO SAVE LABOR. DO YOU? INNOSEALER- TWIST TIETIME TO CLOSE A BAG 8.75 SECONDS * TIME TO CLOSE A BAG 3.60 SECONDS * * The Innosealer generated in excess of 60% labor savings versus using wire ties in 3 out of 4 trials in a 3rd party time motion efficiency study. ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL BENEFITS OF THE INNOSEALER N L OF INNOSEALER: L TAMPER-EVIDENT Food safety is the number one concern for grocery retailers. As the most reliable tamper evident and resealable closure on the market, the InnoSealer lets the customers know that they are the first to open the bag (security of product). Visit us at Booth 4035 CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME Many companies have endorsed the InnoSealer as a means to eliminate the movements associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (repetitive strain injury from using a twist tie). This makes for healthier and more productive employees. ELIMINATES WASTE The mess and waste associated with wire ties, i.e. sweeping the floor, picking out of the bread slicer and the amount of ties that are just wire with no paper on them, is eliminated when using the InnoSealer. | 1-866-958-4666