Clean Label - Kemin 2022 - 1
Clean Label
Ingredients to
Assist with Rising
Food Costs Now...
and to Help Improve
your Margins Later
he US Department of Agriculture Food
Price Outlook forecasts that food price
increases in 2022 will be more than those
observed during the previous two years. Foodat-home
prices are predicted to increase
between 5% and 6%. This is on top of the
higher price tags already in the marketplace
since the onset of the pandemic. The situation
is even more grim in food-away-from-home
prices, which are predicted to increase between
5.5% and 6.5%. Increased costs are being
experienced through every step of the supply
chain-from farm to table-and they don't
appear to be easing.
Mazars USA LLP, New York, sponsored
independent research on food industry trends
through an online survey of industry leaders and
decision makers during the last two months of
2021. Findings showed that three out of four
(78%) respondents consisting of those in food
manufacturing, distribution and foodservice were
able to pass some of their inflation costs on to
customers. However, only 2% were able to pass
on 100% or more of their increased costs.
With costs continuing to rise, and consumers
feeling the pain in their pocketbooks, it is
paramount that food formulators explore best
practices to assist with keeping production costs
down and food waste at a minimum. Kemin
Food Technologies, Des Moines, Iowa, is here
to help.
Kemin experts continually develop new
ingredient technologies to assist the food
industry with producing the highest-quality
products while managing costs and keeping the
health of consumers and the planet top of mind.
Scientists help formulators identify opportunities
to improve yield, extend shelf life, simplify
ingredient statements and more.
With so much uncertainty in the world, food
security should not be one of them. Now's the
time to act.
PAGE 2: Deliver what consumers want.
PAGE 3: Functional proteins improve yield
and keep labels clean and simple.
PAGE 4: Extend shelf life to control
food waste.
PAGE 5: Bake a difference today for tomorrow.
PAGE 6: Address the unique issues of fresh
plant-based foods.
Clean Label - Kemin 2022
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Clean Label - Kemin 2022
Clean Label - Kemin 2022 - 1
Clean Label - Kemin 2022 - 2
Clean Label - Kemin 2022 - 3
Clean Label - Kemin 2022 - 4
Clean Label - Kemin 2022 - 5
Clean Label - Kemin 2022 - 6