Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand - 3

move into effect, consumers will gravitate to
foods with lower sugar content. Fortunately,
most bread and roll products are naturally low
in sugar. The 3% to 5%* sugar in their formulas
will be largely utilized by bakers yeast during
However, when bakers yeast is used in sweet
goods and pastries in formulas containing 10%
to 25% sugar, its activity can be inhibited as
the sugar exerts osmotic pressure on yeast cells.
Thankfully, Lallemand was able to select, from its
well-documented yeast strain collection, a bakers
yeast with greater sugar tolerance. This bakers
yeast is available fresh (Lal^Ferm™ No. 2) and
instant dried (Instaferm® Gold).

Baking from varying proofing conditions,
such as low/no-sugar doughs for fresh pizza, flat
breads and refrigerated doughs supplied to food
service customers, puts greater-than-usual stress
on yeast. For these conditions, Lallemand Baking
suggests its Flexferm® yeast. This yeast's specific leavening activity will always yield properly
proofed doughs despite human errors, excessive
wait time or delayed baking.
When additional stability is required,
Instaferm® protected active dry yeast (PADY) is
recommended. This microencapsulated yeast
remains stable in mixes whose ingredients
carry moisture content greater than 5% and
those with long shelf life requirements.

enough daily exposure to the outdoors. Supplementing vitamin D into the diet can address this
vexing problem.
Vitamin D fortification earned heightened
importance because of the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration's most recent change in the
Nutrition Facts panel requiring the labeling of
this vitamin on food packaging. Effective 2020,
manufacturers must now declare on the label the
actual amount of vitamin D, in addition to the
percent Daily Value. Bakeries that want to claim
vitamin D in their bread can review their bread
formulations to make a "Source" of or "Good
Source" of vitamin D content claim on the packaging of their finished baked goods.
Tapping expertise gained through the company's work with nutritional yeasts, Lallemand
Baking developed VitaD® vitamin D-enriched bakers yeast. It also offers a range of natural vitamin
D premixes that provide tailored solutions for any
batch size. Company research validated the stabil-

"Consumer awareness and behavior changes related to achieving overall
health now drive ingredient manufacturers to align with innovations that help the
food industry serve such wants," said Audrey
St. Onge, President Lallemand North American
Bakers Yeast.
Modern lifestyles easily lead to deficiencies
in vitamin D, especially among urban dwellers.
Sunlight prompts formation of this essential
nutrient in our skin, but we simply don't get
* All percentages are flour weight basis, also known as
bakers percent.

Lallemand Yeast_June Ezine_REV3_Carrie.indd 3


7/12/2019 7:43:42 AM


Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand

Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand - 1
Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand - 2
Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand - 3
Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand - 4
Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand - 5
Ingredient Solutions for Every Bake - Lallemand - 6