Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand - 3

for dough strengthening to compensate for
processing changes," Mr. Fatula said. These
concerns may be driven by a switch to clean
label for an existing formula or by scale-up
when taking a new product from the R&D
bench to the production floor.
Previously, bakers relied on chemical additives for dough conditioning. Today, however,
many of these tasks can be done by enzymes,
usually used in tailored blends. Their oxidizing and reducing activities help control gluten
development. Enzyme systems that replace
bromate have been especially important.
Control over water migration in the finished product, for example, can be mediated by hemicellulose enzymes applied at the
dough stage. Non-starch polysaccharides
amount to only 2% to 3% of flour but account
for as much as 70% of water absorption. The
choice of enzyme determines the type of action in the dough and the finished product.
Mr. Fatula explained, "An easy way to
remember is, in general, fungal hemicellulases will work on the water-soluble fractions,
allowing water to be released and free to
move to other ingredients such as the gluten.
Bacterial-source hemicellulase will work on
the water-insoluble fractions to allow them
to become water soluble, creating a hydrocolloid gum, and thus absorb more water."
Product quality improves because other
ingredients bind moisture instead of letting
the natural equilibration processes control
moisture movement.
Enzymes help extend shelf life to give consumers fresher products through:
* Anti-staling
* Crumb softening
* Retarding recrystallization
* Preventing water redistribution
Shelf life improvement is another reason
to put enzymes to work in baked goods.
"It's not so much about going from 14 to
25 days, although there are bakers interested in this extension, but how to maintain
optimum shelf life during this period of
time while improving resilience, texture and

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quality," Mr. Fatula explained.
When the target is fresh-keeping, we
chose enzymes that alter a portion of the
starch during processing and baking, thus
limiting starch retrogradation (also known
as recrystallization) during storage. Of the
two principal forms of starch in flour, it is the
highly branched amylopectin, rather than the
smaller, less complex amylose, that is of most
concern in anti-staling.
"The temperature stability and action
pattern of the enzymes are important so that
enough branched starch is broken down to
inhibit staling, but not so much that crumb
becomes sticky and difficult to slice," Mr. Fatula said.
Amylase enzymes trim the branches of
the large amylopectin molecule limiting their
ability to entangle and recrystallize over time.
To the baker's benefit, the enzyme toolbox
contains many different forms of amylase.
Evaluation of product, process, time and
temperature will help determine the right
enzyme solution, often a customized blend.
"Different amylase enzymes can be used
because each may have a different heat
stability or may cut the starch in a different
manner," Mr. Fatula explained. "These actions


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Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand

Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand - 1
Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand - 2
Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand - 3
Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand - 4
Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand - 5
Enzymes for Every Baking Solution -- Lallemand - 6