Nutrition & Biosciences Expertise you can bake on DuPont Nutrition & Biosciences has decades of experience in applying a broad and versatile portfolio of emulsification solutions helping manufacturers achieve the stability, mouthfeel, appearance, consistent quality and shelf life they need in their food products. Our team can provide you with: * Applications expertise * R&D assistance * Technical service support * Market analysis, insights & trends * Technical and product training * Sensory evaluation * Full-scale pilot plants * Cost-reduction solutions Learn more at 'X3RQWWKH'X3RQW2YDO/RJRDQGDOOWUDGHPDUNVDQGVHUYLFHPDUNVGHQRWHGZLWK60RUDUHRZQHGE\DI¿OLDWHVRI'X3RQWGH1HPRXUV,QFXQOHVVRWKHUZLVHQRWHG'X3RQW